With so many people a fan of Nutter Butters, it’s reasonable to ask if dogs can enjoy them too, especially since they somewhat resemble dog treats!
So, let’s dive into the contents of Nutter Butters and figure out if they’re okay for your dog to eat.

Can Dogs Safely Eat Nutter Butters?
Simple put, dogs shouldn’t eat Nutter Butters.
While they are not toxic or poisionion themselves (unless they contain chocolate or add in Xylitol) Nutter Butters is not a snack that dog’s should be consuming.
➡️ Let’s explain why:
The same as why people should consume them sparingly: they are high in sugars, artificial ingredients and high fructose corn syrup. These ingredients are already fairly bad for us, let alone our dogs.
Although we can handle these ingredients in small doses, our dogs can’t. These kinds of ingredients will quickly make your dog feel pretty bad.
➡️ Likely result of your doggo frequently eating Nutter Butters include:
- Sensitive stomach
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Nausea
- Appetite changes
- Weight issues
In addition to this, your dog could have an allergy to gluten, which would give you another reason to avoid Nutter Butters, as they contain wheat flour.
We can safely say that it’s best not to give your dog Nutter Butters.
While a small chunk here and there likely won’t cause much harm, it’s best to just avoid such an unhealthy treat for your dog anyway.
Do Nutter Butters Have Xylitol?
Though their ingredient list may change at any time, Nutter Butters do not currently list Xylitol as an ingredient.
It’s normal to understand why many pet parents ask about Xylitol, as it’s highly toxic for dogs.
Many of the snacks we consume has Xylitol which is a very common artificial sweetener. While it’s normal for us, it’s highly toxic for dogs.
This also relates to the fact that many peanut butters contain Xylitol. So, with Nutter Butter containing peanut butter, many make the association.
This is why checking and researching the ingredients is crucial before giving any particular human snack to our dogs.
Do Nutter Butters Contain Peanut Butter?
Yes, Nutter Butters contains real peanut butter.
But unfortunately, not the healthy kind.
There are dog-safe peanut butters on the market, which refrain from using artificial flavors, sweeteners, preservatives and avoids adding in extra sugar and salt.
Understandably, this isn’t what Nutter Butter prioritizes!
And like we mentioned before, many peanut butters today contain Xylitol, so it’s crucial to consider this could be the case with the peanut butter contained in Nutter Butter (although we can’t confirm).
Another reason not to be giving your furry friend Nutter Butters.
What To Do If Your Dog Accidently Eats Nutter Butters
So what happens when a dog accidentally gets into your Nutter Butter stash?
Dogs are known for being mischievous and food driven, making this a realistic opportunity if your Nutter Butters are left in an accessible spot.
➡️ Though Nutter Butters are not good for dogs, you shouldn’t immediately panic if your pup accidentally eats a few.
- 1-3 Nutter Butter cookies may only cause mild GI upset like diarrhea and stomach gurgling, but most dogs will be just fine within 24 hours.
Just be sure to keep a close eye on them in the hours and days that follow, as some dogs will have more of a sensitivity to sugar and fat than others.
However, if your dog accidentally consumes an entire package of Nutter Butters, they may experience a more severe case of GI upset.
These dogs may encounter frequent diarrhea and vomiting, with some pups even refusing to eat as a result of their stomach pain.
If your dog eats a large amount of Nutter Butters and they have multiple rounds of either diarrhea or vomiting, we suggest having them seen by your vet.
Related: Can Dogs Eat Nature Valley Bars? (Important!). Sometimes these pups need a bit of extra support in settling their stomach.
The Best Alternative To Nutter Butters
If you’re looking for a safe and delicious treat for your dog, then Zukes Mini Naturals are your best bet.
They even offer a peanut butter and oats flavor.

I have personally been giving these to my dogs and dogs I’ve trained for years. And they absolutely love them.
They are small, low in calories, contain only healthy ingredients, and are apparently super tasty.
They’re perfect for training rewards or for regular treat giving.
Are There Any Safe Peanut Butter Treats For Dogs?
Thankfully, there are many dog-safe peanut butter treats that our pups can enjoy without the upset stomach afterward.
If you want to skip the small serving of all natural peanut butter, you can explore any pet store in search of a peanut butter flavored treat.
As we mentioned above, our favorite is Zukes Mini Naturals.
You can always make your own frozen peanut butter balls for your pup by mixing 1 mashed banana with a tablespoon of peanut butter before popping it in the freezer. Just ensure it’s large enough not to be a choking hazard.
Peanut butter is a favorite when it comes to canine snacks, so most pet stores have multiple different types of peanut inspired dog treats. Just be sure to review the ingredient label to make sure each ingredient is okay for your individual pup.
Can Dogs Eat Other Types Of Human Cookies?
We know how tempting it is to offer your dog your favorite sweet treat, but we always suggest steering clear of any human cookies when it comes to our pups.
Most cookies are high in sugar and fat, and this will only upset their stomach.
If you want to offer them a sweet treat from time to time, we suggest offering them a dog-safe fruit like bananas, strawberries, or blueberries.
This way they can still satisfy their sweet tooth, but they will not have to deal with any uncomfortable side effects.
Final Thoughts
Our dogs may not be able to enjoy Nutter Butters, but they can have the occasional bite of all natural peanut butter. Many pups enjoy the real thing more anyways, and you won’t have to worry about any GI upset to follow!