Cleaning your Dachshund’s teeth is super important for their overall health, but many owners put it off.
The truth is that it’s super easy and simple to do, and this article will explain everything you need to know.

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Why Is It Important To Brush Your Dachshunds Teeth?
Research has shown that up to 90% of dogs have some level of Periodontal Disease by the age of 2 years old.
The main reason it’s crucial to keep our dog’s teeth clean is to prevent Periodontal Disease otherwise known as Gum Disease.
If too much plaque and bacteria develop, it can silently wear away at the gums, destroying soft tissue and damaging the supporting bones of the teeth.
By brushing our dog’s teeth, we can effectively prevent bacteria build-up and ultimately reduce the chances of Periodontal Disease significantly.
The Different Ways To Keep Your Dachshunds Teeth Clean
There are multiple ways of keeping your Dachshund’s teeth and mouth clean.
1) Toothbrushing: The most common way of keeping your Dachshund’s mouth clean is by routinely brushing his teeth. This is the best thing you can do for your furry friend’s overall oral hygiene. A weekly routine should ideally start at a young age.
To brush your dog’s teeth you’ll need a soft canine toothbrush that’s appropriate for the size of your dog’s mouth. Small breeds only need a very small toothbrush, whereas large breeds need a larger one.
You will also need toothpaste made specifically for dogs. It’s important we do not use toothpaste made for us, as it often contains Xylitol which is considered toxic for dogs.
2) Dental treats/chews: Most owners know all about dental chews and you probably already have some for your Dachshund. That’s great, they do work, and are considered a good addition. Dental chews can’t be relied upon solely for dental care.
3) Oral gels: Oral gels are used to prevent the formation of plaque build-up, and they also do a great job of preventing bad breath. Some vets are for oral gels, and others say they may not be necessary if you keep on top of manual brushing.
4) Dental diets: If your Dachshund is already suffering from bad dental hygiene, your veterinarian may suggest following what’s known as a dental diet. This is specially formulated food that focuses directly on improving dental health, plaque, and fighting tartar build-up.
5) Professional cleaning: Veterinarians offer professional teeth cleaning services and is something that you should consider doing at least once or twice per year, aside from your own efforts. As many serious health issues can arise from poor oral hygiene, having your veterinarian take a look for themselves every 6 months is an excellent preventative measure.
So, which one should you be focusing on? The best thing you can do is to start regular brushing. Additionally, dental chews can be used on top of the brushing routine, and bi-yearly dental appointments with your veterinarian are strongly suggested.
Ideal dog toothbrushing kit (Amazon)
How Often Should You Clean Your Dachshund’s Teeth?
So how frequently should you brush your Dachshund’s teeth?
Daily brushing is the ultimate goal, but even if you only do it 3-4 times per week, that’s still great. In the beginning, it’s always best to start slowly at once a week until your Dachshund gets used to it.
In the beginning, you may not be able to brush his teeth too often, as he may not be willing or accustomed to the sensation. This is completely normal and most dogs will take a few weeks to become comfortable with the process.
This content was originally produced and published on
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When Should You Start Brushing Your Dachshund’s Teeth?
Ideally, you’re reading this while your Dachshund is a little tiny sausage puppy, if so, that’s great and you should start as soon as possible.
Puppies are much more receptive to your handling and it’s easier to establish good habits the younger they are.
If your Dachshund is no longer a puppy, that’s no problem at all! The sooner you start, the better.
Keep in mind, as an adult, he’ll be more resistant to something he isn’t used to, especially when it involves such intrusive actions like holding his mouth open!
How To Brush Your Dachshund’s Teeth
Here’s an excellent video that demonstrates just how easy it is to brush his teeth.
This shows you that it doesn’t need to be difficult or something to dread doing! The video is only a few minutes long so I really suggest watching the whole thing
Here’s the video summed up:
1. Ensure your dog is in a calm and relaxed state, preferably towards the end of the day after exercise and eating.
2. Place a small pea-sized dollop of canine toothpaste on the canine toothbrush
3. As you gently hold the muzzle with one hand, use the other to brush along the outside of the back teeth in a straight line. We only need to brush the outside of our dog’s teeth.
4. Ensure you brush both sides, and it’s really as simple as that.
Tips To Make Brushing Your Dachshund’s Teeth Easier
1) Start Young
If you’re lucky enough to be reading this article while your Dachshund is still a puppy, then you have an advantage and you should start right away. The younger you start brushing your Dachshund’s teeth the more receptive they will be to all the handling you’ll be doing.
In general, it’s always easier to create habits from puppyhood. But don’t worry, if your Dachshund is already an adult, it’s still possible, it may just take a little longer.
2) Find Dog Toothpaste He Likes
To make this whole task easier, your dachshund needs to enjoy it, otherwise, he’ll be resistant, and this makes your job much harder.
Fortunately, dog toothpaste comes in flavors like beef or poultry. This makes having his teeth brushed into an experience that he actually enjoys, rather than just an unpleasant mouth-fondling.
3) Only Brush When He’s Calm & Relaxed
Don’t attempt to brush your Dachshund’s teeth whenever he isn’t completely relaxed and calm. It’s best to wait until the end of the day when your Dachshund has had his exercise, playtime and is in a docile state.
Attempting to handle those sharp little nashers while he’s amped-up and excitable, is a recipe for disaster!
4) Make a Habit Of Inspecting His Mouth
Start becoming familiar with his mouth. Touch his mouth, look inside, and even smell his breath… It sounds a bit disgusting, but the sooner you become familiar with what’s “normal” the quicker you will notice any issues/changes should they arise.
Plus, the more often you handle his mouth area with your hands, the more he’ll get used to you holding his mouth open. Keep up this familiarisation and it will only make brushing his teeth easier.
5) Use a Small Toothbrush
Dachshunds don’t have very big teeth, in fact, they are very small. Dog toothbrushes come in multiple sizes depending on the size of the dog. Obviously, you’ll need one of the smallest sizes available.
6) Focus On The Outside Of The Teeth
Over 90% of the plaque build-up on dogs’ teeth is on the outside. Their tongue does an amazing job of cleaning the insides of their teeth, but the outside, not so much. So when you start brushing, you only need to focus on the outside surface.
7) Brushing Is Most Effective In Straight Lines
This may not be the case for us, but for our dogs, veterinarians have said that brushing in straight lines is the most effective at cleaning the outside surfaces.
So don’t worry about brushing in fancy circles or zigzags, just go in straight lines up and down the teeth.
Advice If Your Dachshund Doesn’t Like Getting His Teeth Brushed…
Teeth brushing may not always be easy if your dog doesn’t let you near its mouth.
The first thing to do is get your dog used to you touching and handling their mouth in general. This can be done slowly over time.
Before using the brush, try placing the canine toothpaste on your finger and let your dog lick it off, while you work your way under their gums.
The goal here is to simply allow your dog to get used to having their mouths, teeth, and gums touched.
Once this is easy, you’ll be able to slowly move on to doing the same, but with a toothbrush.
If you have a dog that hates this process, the trick is to make it something they like. With beef or chicken flavored canine toothpaste and a slow delicate approach, most dogs come around within a week.
Choosing The Best Dental Chews For Your Dachshund
There are a wide variety of different kinds of dental chews for dogs. This makes it quite hard to know which one is best.
Honestly, most of the reputable brands nowadays make good dental chews, and its just a matter of finding one that your Dachshund gets along with the best.
Here are a few of the best “small-breed” dental chews on the market:
- Greenies Original Petite Dental Chews
- Pedigree Dentastix Dental Chews
- Blue Buffalo Dental Bone Chews
These are currently some of the most highly reviewed dental chews on Amazon.
Please remember that not all dogs get on well with the same food or treats. What works well for one dog, may not work well for another, so you might need to try multiple chews before settling on one.
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When To See a Veterinarian
As dental hygiene is so vitally important to your Dachshund’s overall health, you should schedule check-ups with your veterinarian even if you have a solid brushing routine.
Gum disease can be fatal and can go unnoticed by the untrained eye. This is also the case for other health issues that initiate from poor dental hygiene.
It turns out that around 80% of the tartar build-up is actually considered bacteria. The issue with plaque and tartar is that it slowly rots away at the tooth, the gum, and the ligaments that hold the tooth’s position.
In the end, the bacteria may gain access to the bloodstream which goes directly to vital organs. This leads to numerous infections, illnesses, and diseases. And it all starts from plaque. (According to VetStreet).
So, if you want to get on top of your Dachshund’s dental hygiene, start brushing, and schedule an appointment with your veterinarian to set you off on the right path.
Thank you for reading! If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me. All the best, Harry.