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Why Is My Corgi Panting So Much: Heavy Breathing Help

If your corgi is panting and breathing heavily it can be quite concerning. Are they okay? and when will it slow down?

This article explains when panting is normal when it isn’t, and how you can help.

When it comes to corgi puppies, quick breathing is mostly normal. Puppies breathe at a much quicker rate than adults as they can’t efficiently regulate body temperature for several months.


Reasons Why Your Corgi Is Panting So Much

Most heavy breathing is done to cool down. It can also happen after playing, getting excited, or meeting new people. If panting is excessive and seems out of place, it could suggest stress, anxiety, or an underlying health issue.

Panting, in the vast majority of situations will be completely normal. And as I am about to run through, there are many times when you can expect your corgi to pant. Take a look below…

Common situations that result in heavy panting:

  • When around new people or new dogs
  • After playing or exercising
  • After becoming excited for any reason
  • In response to unfamiliar events like fireworks, storms, thunder, loud noises
  • When traveling in a car
  • When out for walks
  • Whenever someone makes a fuss of her
  • During summer months and warm weather

As you can see, there are many normal reasons why your corgi may be panting.

The next section takes a look at when panting seems out of place, and what it may mean in this situation.

Should You Do Anything About Heavy Breathing?

Before worrying too much about your corgi’s heavy breathing, the first thing to do is try to explain it logically using all of the scenarios I have explained above.

Run through the previous hour leading up to that point…

Maybe your friends have just left? are there loud noises outside? have you just come home from work? These are all completely common and normal scenarios that could excite corgi enough to start panting (even though she hasn’t been running around).

It could even be something as little as sitting in the sunshine coming through the window.

The key thing to do before worrying is to try to explain it.

And when there is no reasonable explanation, it’s time to consider the possibility that the panting is being caused by something else.

When Panting Is a Sign of Something Worse

If your corgi’s panting really can’t be explained, then it could suggest there is something else to think about.

It’s also important to now think about whether the panting has been happening on a daily basis, or if you have only just noticed it today.

Panting is just one of many symptoms of the causes below. So if you do try to diagnose at home (which I’m guilty of doing all the time and is not recommended!) then be sure to look for the other symptoms as well. You can’t just rely on panting alone.

Stress and Anxiety

General stress and anxiety can be caused by a huge range of things. Stress in canines is almost as prolific as it is in humans. Stress can be caused by overall lifestyle, environmental issues, her needs not being met, and particularly being left alone too often.

There are many other symptoms of stress and anxiety aside from panting including behavioral changes, destructive behavior, disobedience, and physical symptoms such as laziness or trembling.

Anxiety also extends to seemingly normal, temporary events. A classic example would be anticipating things to happen: like waiting for you to feed her when it’s getting close to dinner time.

The anticipation of events can cause dogs to shake, tremble, and pant heavily. This is actually considered very normal and explainable. Remember it’s all about taking everything into context.

A Word on Constant Panting

After relentless searching through corgi forums and posts, many people have mentioned how their corgi pants non-stop. No one seemed to bring up stress and anxiety, which surprised me. While many were quick to mention that panting is an early sign of heart problems (and it is) or that she’s too hot, no one mentioned overall levels of stress and anxiety. Which is huge.

So, if your corgi is panting constantly, it’s true that it may be heart-related or due to hot weather. But also consider her overall lifestyle and her stress levels.

Does she spend a lot of time alone? (a huge contributor to stress & anxiety) does she receive enough physical exercise and mental stimulation? is she trained regularly? does she seem happy?. There’s so much that goes into keeping our fluff balls happy and content beyond just the basics. So it’s worth keeping that in mind.

Heatstroke and Dehydration

Although heatstroke typically only happens throughout warm months in the summer, dehydration on the other hand can happen when you least expect it. If your corgi becomes dehydrated or over-exposed to the hot temperatures in the summer it becomes a serious situation.

Heatstroke and dehydration can be considered emergencies and if you notice symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, and a bright red tongue with sticky saliva you should call a veterinarian for immediate help.

Allergies, Health Concerns, and Respiratory Issues

In more unfortunate circumstances, your corgi may be suffering from an underlying health concern or dealing with allergies.

Underlying health concerns such as Cushing’s Disease, Heart Disease, and Pulmonary Disease can all contribute to unwarranted panting throughout the day. It is true that excessive panting is an early sign of heart problems.

Pneumonia is also a health concern linked to panting. Pneumonia leads to inflammation of the lungs and causes respiratory issues and breathing difficulties. Pneumonia is typically caused by an infection and you may spot other symptoms like weakness, fatigue, and fever.

It could also suggest allergies. Allergies can be environmental, food-based, and seasonal. Everything from dust, certain washing powder, pollen from plants, or specific ingredients in her diet could be affecting her health in unforeseen ways.

If after reading this article you really can’t explain your corgi’s excessive panting, then it’s a great idea to visit your veterinarian for a complete health check-up.

Why Is My Corgi Puppy Breathing So Fast?

Another cause for concern is when it comes to the breathing rate of puppies.

Many new puppy owners have the same worry once they witness their puppy breathing like crazy.

In general, puppies do tend to breathe more rapidly than full-grown adults. This is witnessed across all breeds.

There can be many reasons for this, one of the main ones being a puppy’s inability to control their body temperature as efficiently as an adult can, as well as general anxiety and the natural excitability of a puppy.

There isn’t a correct number of breaths you can look out for which will either mean she’s okay, or not okay. Puppies may take as little as 30 breathes per minute, but it’s also possible for them to take 300 to 400 breathes per minute under the right circumstances. Yeah, pretty crazy right!

In most circumstances you won’t need to worry, but, having said that, if you witness your corgi puppy breathing rapidly when it doesn’t fit the situation it’s important to schedule an appointment for a thorough health check-up.

Rapid breathing in puppies is one of the most common issues that veterinarians deal with today.

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To Summarize

If your corgi is panting heavily, before you worry, think about the events leading up to this moment.

Many things contribute to heavy panting from seemingly normal situations like sitting in the sun, having friends over, going for a car ride, or waiting for her dinner.

Consider whether the panting is something you have only noticed today, or if she pants all of the time, most days…

When you can’t explain excessive panting, it’s time to think about visiting your veterinarian for a health check-up.

While most panting is completely fine, it can be a symptom of underlying conditions that can be serious. So ruling that out is of course very important.

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Before making any decisions that could affect the health and/or safety of your dog, you should always consult a trained veterinarian in your local area. Even though this content may have been written/reviewed by a trained veterinarian, our advice to you is to always consult your own local veterinarian in person. Please read our full dislcaimer if you have any questions.