For a breed that loves to run, exercise, and spread their wings so much, whether or not vizslas make good apartment dogs isn’t so straightforward. Thankfully, the answer is simpler than many think… This article has everything you need to know. Let’s get into it!
But read on! There are a few more crucial elements to be aware of first before assuming apartment life will be fine for your vizsla.

Table of Contents
Why Vizslas CAN Live In Apartments
Vizslas make good apartment dogs as long as they get to spend a good amount of time outside of the apartment. Vizslas living in apartments will need plenty of physical exercise and stimulation throughout the day to remain happy and well-behaved.
After posting questions and polls in various vizsla groups and forums, I managed to speak to a handful of vizsla owners who lived in apartments themselves.
They all gave very simple and compelling explanations as to how it works out just fine.
Simply put, as long as you are able to provide your vizsla with enough physical exercise, mental stimulation, and trips outside of the apartment (on a daily basis), your vizsla will be more than happy living in an apartment.
⭐ One lady who has owned vizslas for over 30 years said “A vizsla that’s properly cared for, exercised, and paid attention to will be happier living in an apartment, than a vizsla that lives in a mansion, but gets ignored”.
⭐ In the end, it comes down to how much time you have and your availability to care for your vizsla. If you are there to do so, then it doesn’t matter how big or small his living area is.
When Vizslas Shouldn’t Live In Apartments
There are a few situations when a vizsla would not cope well in an apartment. So let’s run through them.
1. If Your Vizsla Will Be Left Alone For Many Hours
If you live in an apartment because you’re in the city and have long work hours, this is a big stumbling block. Vizslas hate being left alone and are a breed that requires frequent company.
When vizslas are consistently left alone for long periods of time, they can develop a range of negative side effects. All of which will only be amplified from living in a small living area with limited space.
And many would make the point that even if you lived in a house with a big yard, a vizsla is not an appropriate breed if you and your family spend most of the day outside of the house. This breed really does need constant company!
2. If Your Apartment Isn’t Close To a Park
Making apartment life work relies on you being able to take your vizsla outside multiple times per day. And your vizsla will need grass to run and play without the risk of damaging his feet and paws.
Having a park that’s a realistic distance away from you is essential. Will you have the time to go there, or is it too far? And will you actually visit the park for a sufficient amount of time? The further away the park is, the harder it will be to stick to this commitment…
3. If Your Apartment Block Is Too Noisy
If for whatever reason you need to leave your vizsla home alone (which is always necessary at some point), then it’s important that your apartment feels safe and secure for your vizsla.
Loud noises coming from your neighbors or even outside in your neighborhood can be extremely unsettling for any dog, especially when they are alone.
One of the considerations you must have when owning a dog in an apartment is the fact that you share walls with other people from all sides.
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Vizslas Living In Apartments Without a Yard
One of the benefits of living in a house is that it usually comes with a backyard. Having a yard has clear advantages when owning a dog, but you’ll be happy to know that many owners get along just fine without one.
Vizsla owners were quick to point out that having a yard was more of a convenience, than a necessity.
● Another interesting point was that for those vizslas who did have their own yard, most of them were never interested in spending time there unless their owners were there. This goes to show that your vizsla cares more about whether you are there than the space he has to roam around.
One of the main drawbacks of not having a yard though is potty training, so let’s cover that below.
Potty Training a Vizsla In An Apartment
If your apartment complex doesn’t have a yard or allows your vizsla to use the yard then unfortunately you will have to potty train your vizsla inside of the apartment.
⭐ Ideally, you can take your vizsla outside to the park enough times per day so that MOST of his toilet breaks can be done there. But if we are being truly realistic, there’s no way you will save your vizsla from peeing or pooping inside at some point.
⭐ Due to these unavoidable moments, it’s a very good idea to train your vizsla to only pee & poop in one small section of your apartment where it’s easy to clean up and most hygienic.
When it comes to apartment potty training, potty pads are a must. This pad will help your vizsla identify “his” spot.
⭐ To start the training, take him thereafter significant moments like waking up, eating, drinking, playing, training, or getting excited.
When you are there, keep him there and use one single command like “potty time” and don’t engage with your vizsla in any other way. You don’t want him to think this is playtime.
⭐ At first, it will be difficult for him to get it right but never shout or punish him. Just walk him over to his spot after significant moments as many times as you can, and when he finally goes, reward him heavily with treats and praise. After that, remove him from the area.
⭐ If he makes a mistake in the wrong location, be sure to pick the poop up and put it down on the potty pad before removing it. This will leave the scent there on the potty pad, so the next time you take him after those key moments, the scent of previous poop will encourage him to go again.
This is of course a clear downside to not having a yard, but it’s one that you can adapt to.
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The Importance Of Spending Time Outside
So how much time outside of the apartment will your vizsla need? Let’s run through this below.
⭐ Healthy adult Vizslas need around 2 hours of exercise per day, preferably split up into two one-hour sessions. One in the morning and again in the evening.
⭐ This amount of exercise doesn’t change whether you live in an apartment or a house, but due to the fact your vizsla won’t have a yard, it does put more responsibility on you to take him out.
As long as you can provide at least 2 solid hours of physical exercise outside per day, your vizsla will be fine. Although I’m sure he wouldn’t say no to some more! 😉
If your vizsla doesn’t get to spend a sufficient amount of time outside, many negative effects can be expected. From behavioral issues like disobedience, temperament changes like aggression, and mental side effects like anxiety and stress.
Remember that vizslas are working dogs, which means they absolutely must be stimulated both physically and mentally in order to be happy. And there’s no better way to achieve both than being at the dog park.
The Verdict: Can Vizslas Live In Apartments?
I think that a vizsla, despite having a lot of daily requirements for exercise, attention, and general stimulation, can live a great life in an apartment.
⭐ It mostly comes down to you and your schedule. Will you be in your apartment for most of the day? Will you have the time to take your vizsla outside as much as they require?
⭐ If your daily situation allows you to care for your vizsla sufficiently, then living in an apartment rather than a house, makes no difference. 🙂
● Thank you for reading! I hope this has helped answer your question but if you have further queries, please let me know! I am always happy to hear feedback and respond to my readers
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